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How to find CIF Number in Central Bank of India ?

Find CIF Number in CBI : Central Bank of India is one of the well known banks in India. It provides its account holders with a lot of banking options and products. When you open a new bank account in CBI, you get a unique CIF Number where CIF stands for Customer Identification File. CIF is a digital file where all your identity and address details are stored. Only Bank officials are allowed to access this file and check whatever data is stored in this file. This file is given a 11 Digit unique number which is called CIF Number. There might be a lot of reasons why you may need your CIF Number including transferring your CBI Bank Account.

In this Article, we will tell you how to : 

  • Find CIF Number in CBI Passbook
  • Find CIF Number in CBI Cheque Book
  • Find CIF Number in CBI Online
  • Find CIF Number in CBI Statement
  • Find CIF Number in CBI by Calling Customer Care
  • Find CIF Number in CBI by Branch Visit

How to find CIF Number in CBI ?

There are 6 methods to know CIF Number in CBI, let us start with the process to find CIF Number in CBI Passbook.

How to find CIF Number in CBI Passbook ?

In order to find CIF Number in CBI Passbook, you need to follow the steps given below :

1) Open the Front Page of your CBI Passbook.

2) At the Top side, you will find your CIF Number.

How to find CIF Number in CBI Cheque Book ?

In order to find CIF Number in CBI Cheque Book, you need to follow the steps given below :

1) Open the Front Page of your CBI Cheque Book.

2) CIF Number is printed and can be found easily.

How to find CIF Number in CBI Online ?

In order to find CIF Number in CBI Online, you need to follow the steps given below :

1) Login to CBI Net Banking using your Username and Password.

2) At the Top of the Home Screen, you will find CIF Number.

How to find CIF Number in CBI Statement ?

If you have your CBI Account Statement with you, you can find the CIF Number in it as well. It will be present at the starting of the Account Statement.

How to find CIF Number in CBI by Calling Customer Care ?

In order to find CIF Number in CBI by Calling Customer Care, you need to follow the steps given below :

1) Make a Call to CBI Customer Care Number at 1800221911.

2) Tell the Customer Care Executive that you want to know your CIF Number.

3) Customer Care Executive will verify your Account Relates and personal information and provide you the CIF Number.

How to find CIF Number in CBI by Branch Visit ?

In order to find CIF Number in CBI by Branch Visit, you need to follow the steps given below :

1) Visit your CBI Home Branch.

2) Tell the Account Executive that your want to know your CIF Number.

3) You will be asked for your Account Number and you can then get your CIF Number. Do carry your Address & Identity proof documents so that you can show it in case the accounts person needs to verify.

Final Words : 

You might have noticed that it is very easy to find CIF Number in CBI by using any of the 6 methods. You can use any of the 6 methods to know CIF Number in CBI but checking your CIF Number in CBI Passbook or Cheque Book is the quickest methods of all.


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