Check HDFC Bank Account Balance : HDFC Bank is one of the most flexible banks in the world with a lot of options for every account holder. Now if you already have a bank account with HDFC Bank, you may like be doing a lot of transactions. Usually banks provide you with 3-4 options to check account balance. When it comes to checking account balance in HDFC Bank, you get 5 options to check it which is more than a lot of other banks. You can use any one of the 5 methods to check account balance in HDFC Bank. The account balance is usually given on a real time basis, so you will not face any delay while you check HDFC Bank Account Balance.
How to Check your Account Balance in HDFC Bank ?
Today, we will tell you each and every process to check Account Balance in HDFC Bank. There are a total of 5 Options to check your HDFC Bank Account Balance, which are :
- Checking HDFC Bank Account Balance Online.
- Checking HDFC Bank Account Balance by Missed Call.
- Checking HDFC Bank Account Balance by SMS.
- Checking HDFC Bank Account Balance by ATM.
- Checking HDFC Bank Account Balance by Branch Visit.
Let us first start with the process to check your Account Balance in HDFC Bank Online through Internet Banking.
How to Check HDFC Bank Account Balance Online through Internet Banking ?
If you already have done the HDFC Bank Net Banking Activation, You can check your Account Balance in HDFC Bank by following the steps given below :
1) Login to your HDFC Bank Internet Banking Account by entering your Customer ID and Password (IPIN).
2) As soon as you are logged in, you can see your Total Available Balance under your Accounts.
How to Check HDFC Bank Account Balance by Missed Call ?
If you are looking to check Account Balance in HDFC Bank by Missed Call, you need to give a Missed Call at 1800-270-3333 to check your Available Balance in HDFC Bank Account. Within seconds you will receive your HDFC Bank Account Balance on your Registered Mobile Number. You can also get a Mini Statement of your Account by giving a Missed Call at 1800-270-3355.
If you are not registered for SMS banking in HDFC, you can first register by Sending SMS REGISTER <Customer ID> <Last 5 Digits of Account No.> to 5676712. You can also visit nearest ATM/Branch or Login to Net Banking to register for SMS Banking in HDFC Bank.
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How to Check HDFC Bank Account Balance by SMS ?
If you are looking to check Account Balance in HDFC Bank, you need to follow step by step procedure given below :
1) Open the message box of your Mobile Phone.
2) Type “bal” for Balance Enquiry or “txn” for Mini Statement.
3) Send this message to 5676712.
Within seconds you will receive your HDFC Bank Account Balance on your Registered Mobile Number.
If you are not registered for SMS banking in HDFC, you can first register by Sending SMS REGISTER <Customer ID> <Last 5 Digits of Account No.> to 5676712. You can also visit nearest ATM/Branch or Login to Net Banking to register for SMS Banking in HDFC Bank.
How to Check HDFC Bank Account Balance by ATM ?
In order to check Account Balance in HDFC Bank by ATM, you need to visit an HDFC Bank ATM or ATM of any other bank. After swiping your HDFC Bank ATM Card you need to enter your ATM PIN and select the Balance Enquiry option. You can also get a transaction slip in case you need it.
How to Check HDFC Bank Account Balance by Branch Visit ?
In order to check Account Balance in HDFC Bank by Branch Visit, you need to visit any HDFC Bank Branch or your Home Branch with your Account documents like Cheque Book and your ID/Address Proof documents like PAN Card and Aadhaar Card. Upon your visit to the HDFC Bank Branch, you can ask the accounts person to check your Account Balance.
If you want, you can also opt to get your Account Statement with latest transactions.
Final Words :
You can choose any of the 5 options to check HDFC Bank Account Balance. However, there are some options which are comparatively easier than the others. I think that if your Mobile Number is registered for Missed Call and Internet Banking service, then checking HDFC Bank Account Balance by Missed Call or by Internet Banking are the quickest processes of all. Also, it is a free service so you dont have to worry about any deductions from your balance.