Do you wish to get quick approval for your home or car loan? If such issues worry you, it is time for you to check your credit score. It might not be challenging to establish a good score, but remember that it can strongly affect your overall financial health.
How? Well, a credit score is the one that helps people to get better deals on their car insurance or home loans. The credit score can help people get appropriate financial help when they face unforeseen financial crises.
The credit score helps the lenders know about your credit history, loan details, and other information related to your previous financial records. And if you wish to learn more about these, read on.
What Is A Credit Score?
To determine any borrower’s creditworthiness, there is a score that depicts the borrower’s financial status. This score is known as the credit score, ranging from high to low, depending on one’s previous credit records. These records can include your current open bank accounts, repayment history, and total debt levels, along with other factors.
You will come across different kinds of money lenders in the market. All of them mostly rely on your credit score to evaluate the probabilities of whether these borrowers would repay the loans within a timely manner or not.
About Credit Score Ranges
The credit scores can range from 300 to 850. A score as less as 300 is considered to be relatively low. The score, which is as high as 850, is an excellent one.
One essential point to consider here is that different organisations use various credit scoring models for assessing your scores. Every borrower needs to know these details beforehand to avoid any problems later. Here is a list of the potential scores that signify the credit history of the borrower:
Score Range | Credit Status |
300-499 | Very poor |
500-600 | Poor |
601-660 | Fair |
661-780 | Good |
781-850 | Excellent |
But do remember that these values are given just for reference. Based on the different credit score models available in the market, these values and status vary significantly.
Is There Any Disadvantage To Having A Poor Credit Score?
When there is such a huge cry for a credit score, the low scores can have some adverse effects. Now the question is, how bad can these scores have effects on your life.
Significant Risk For Mainstream Money Lenders
One of the biggest problems you can face with a low credit score is that it lowers the chances of getting the mainstream lenders available. Your low credit score can scare many of these potential lenders, who might consider as the biggest risk for their business. Maintain a good score if you aim to get an easy loan.
You Pay More
Even if you get proper money lenders to offer you a loan, you might have to pay additional money for these loans’ high-interest rates. Since you got a low score on your card; you end up paying way more than the regular interest rates available in the market.
Insurance Premiums Increase
Your low credit score might not have a direct effect on your insurance policy or the premium value. But it can definitely lower your chances of getting fair deals on the best policies available in the market. It also prevents you from getting the low possible premium rates readily available for the ones with good credit scores.
Apart from these, you might face hurdles while applying for personal or business loans or even getting an apartment on rent. Sometimes, such credit scores might have direct effects on your career as well. Identify the potential factors that control your credit score to maintain a decent number for your future transaction.
What Are The Crucial Factors That Determine Credit Score?
Here are the essential factors that can determine your credit score for the money lenders:
Payment History
The payment history is an essential factor to consider, showing the lenders whether the borrower is consistent with on-time payments. If you have missed several payments, it can showcase a negative mark on your credit report card.
Credit Card Utilisation Ratio
The credit utilisation ratio refers to the overall credit card limit amount that the borrower seems to enjoy. It is better to keep the utilisation factor low as it signifies a low outstanding balance in the credit card holder’s name.
Along with this, the age of your credit history matters. Timely payments are vital but make sure to keep it active for the most extended period possible. That is possible; closing the credit card would shorten the credit history, thereby lowering the score for you.
Also, having multiple open credit card accounts can help you to improve your score. It can showcase that you can handle multiple accounts and loans simultaneously, thereby increasing the score effectively.
So, do you wish to increase your credit score? Find out here!
Keep A Tab On Your Score
The primary measure that every person needs to take is keeping a close watch on their credit score and credit history. It is essential to regularly check your scores using the right credit monitoring tool to identify the potential factors that can lower the number.
You can also keep a limit set with your account to keep a check on the excessive expenses. You can also get an instant credit line from reputed organisations that can help you to set such limits without any complications.
Modify Credit Mix
According to financial experts, it is advisable to diversify your credit mix. The credit scoring models tend to measure your abilities based on different types of financing. A diversified credit mix can be a profitable measure for increasing your credit score.
Be Right On Time
Try and get disciplined with your credit card bill payments. If you want to increase the score, you need to be careful about your credit card payments. And try never to miss the date!
Do Not Close The Accounts
Another essential tip from every financial expert is that try not to close credit card accounts. Think twice before you want to close the bank account as the old ones can improve the scores. And opening new ones or taking up new loans might not be a good idea for you at the instant.
Bottom Line
Now that you are fully aware of the little details of credit scores, you need to start identifying the potential factors that might lower your score for your future endeavours. In case of any doubts, make sure to get the best financial professional by your side to avoid making any credit blunders.