It’s believed that many people have no idea what SR-22 insurance is or what it covers. In the United States, an SR-22 certificate can be a requirement imposed by local vehicle authorities or a court for so-called ‘high risk’ drivers or vehicle owners who have a history of accidents, previous court conviction for driving under the influence of controlled substances(DUI), and the like. For the most part, SR-22 insurance is designed to protect a driver against liability that might be incurred from reckless driving and other related offences on the road.
The decision to take advantage of SR-22 insurance should be made after careful research or by consulting with an experienced auto insurance provider. A specialist would know just the right auto plan to safeguard your legal rights and protect your finances at the same time.
If you’re required by the law to getSR-22 insurance or just interested in this particular type of assurance, many reputable insurance agencies in your state can help you get started. But before availing one, here are six basic questions that you need to ask moving forward:
1. Do I Need SR-22 Insurance?
SR-22 insurance isn’t a basic requirement for all licensed drivers. It’s not an insurance policy per se, but rather a certificate that proves you carry the minimum auto insurance required by the law of the land.
There are certain criteria that might potentially compel you to obtainSR-22 insurance if they’re met. Aside from a history of DUI driving, some of the other reasons authorities may require an individual to purchase one alongside their insurance policy range from habitual drinking, involvement in a number of previous street accidents, or poor level driving skills. Each one can place you in a higher risk category of drivers and you’ll be asked to present an SR-22 certificate to your local vehicle authority office.
Meanwhile, you may still need SR-22 insurance even if you don’t own a car for it can be certified proof of your financial responsibility. A reliable insurance provider will guide you on how to obtain a non-owner SR-22.
2. How Much Does It Cost?
SR-22 insurance costs are said to usually depend on the private insurance company that you choose to work with. The actual SR-22 insurance fee is generally nominal since it’s not an actual insurance policy that covers damages for car accidents or mishaps. Insurance companies, however, may end up charging you higher premiums since you’re classified as a high-risk driver.
On the other hand, you can take advantage of better SR-22 rates on different websites such as and others that offer competitive prices that wouldn’t hurt your budget.
3. How Can I Get SR-22 Insurance?
To obtain SR-22 insurance, you need to reach out to your auto insurance provider or to an SR-22-focused insurance provider online. One of the requirements of getting acertificate is that you should have regular well-maintained auto insurance.
It’s also advised to check the requirements of the state you’re living in for regulations may vary in different areas. For example, some U.S. states like Alaska, Kentucky, New York, and Oklahoma don’t require licensed drivers in their respective borders SR-22s. After identifying the regulations in your state and assessing your SR-22 requirements, you can then start choosing a reputable SR-22 provider.
4. How Long Does The Process Take?
The time it usually takes to process your SR-22 certificate depends on your insurance provider as well as your particular situation. It’s best to reach out to your insurance company or third-party SR-22 provider once determined that you must carry an SR-22 as soon as possible.
You can compare rates from various companies online or request a quote from your current car insurance company. Obtaining the certificate may take as long as a month, so you need to act quickly to avoid further delays, violations, and penalties.
5. What Do I Do After Getting My SR-22 Certificate?
Once your certificate is processed and sent your way, it’s recommended that you keep a copy of it with you all the time. Some companies may allow access to SR-22 certificates through their mobile apps. But it’s advisable and is better to download and print the document to be safe. Remember to update your SR-22 and car insurance premiums regularly. Most of all, practice mindfulness driving and avoid committing further traffic violations or misdemeanours.
6. Until When Should I Carry SR-22?
The required duration of carrying SR-22 insurance varies per state. But in general, you’ll need to have it for at least three years alongside your auto insurance. There are many factors as to why some people’s SR-22s get extended. Committing another traffic offense is one of them and can possibly prolong the requirement to carry an SR-22.
As with any other type of insurance policy, whether it’s an automobile, homeowners, life, or any other type of coverage, you must make sure that you understand the terms and conditions of the contract that you’re agreeing to before signing on the dotted line.
Because SR-22 insurance is a specialized document with many possible uses, you’ll want to be very clear on what you’re going to use it for and understand its terms. Unsure of the whole process? The abovementioned questions can shed light on some of the queries that you may have to help you out in obtaining an SR-22 insurance certificate in compliance with your state’s rules.